Our research is in the area of dynamical systems and autonomy and focuses on developing scalable tools for verification and control of networked, cyber-physical systems. The FACTS lab is especially interested in applying these tools to create efficient, intelligent, and autonomous transportation systems. The research contributes to and draws from domains including control theory, nonlinear and hybrid systems theory, formal methods, learning in probabilistic systems, and optimization.
Check out our lab’s GitHub Page here.
Our group has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher position . We are looking for an exceptional candidate with experience in one or more the following areas: nonlinear control theory, formal methods and hybrid systems, stochastic systems, cyber-security, and run-time assurance. Depending on the candidate’s background and interests, there is an opportunity for this position to be joint with Prof. Eric Feron . Interested candidates should e-mail me a detailed CV at sam.coogan@gatech.edu.